Sorteos Tec

Digital, User Interface, Website Design

Sorteos Tec is one of the most recognized national lotteries in Mexico, created by Mexico's top university: Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey.

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The Brief When designing the website, the most important thing was to make it cheerful and fun. After all, winning the lottery is one of the most exciting things that could ever happen to anyone. The way they managed their previous website was chaos. Lotteries have tons of information to display, so the next challenge was to find a way to make the #interface intuitive, organized, and easy to navigate. Our main goal was to digitalize and modernize a brand that was mostly physical and traditional and make it fun for all the new lucky generations.
The Solution Sorteos Tec is not just about giving out big prizes. They're firmly committed to give back to its community, using the proceeds of each edition to award hundreds of scholarships to young students that would otherwise not be able to afford it. Sorteos Tec has been around for over 70 years, so they came to us wanting to get with the times and be a new, fresh brand for the new generations to come.

Nothing is more exciting than winning the lottery, so we created an element that would bring fun and joy into the website (even for those who don't win). We designed a confetti derived from the brands logo mark to give the brand some flare.

One of our tasks was to design “lucky machines”, which generate a random ticket number. We wanted a design that not only was eye-catching and lively, but that it would awaken that “lucky feeling” in the users. Colors are randomly lit in numbers, so that they can feel as if they have a “lucky number”, based on their own lucky rules or superstitions.

The shopping cart had a complete redesign to make buying tickets easier and simpler. A good shopping cart increases conversions significantly, so, we had to make sure it was clear, easy to use, and intuitive. Buying a ticket is a complex process, between choosing a ticket, labeling, preferences of the lucky user, payment methods, etc. So, it was essential that we make this process a whole lot easier for the users who are feeling lucky.
Credits Creative: Manuel Llaguno, Sofia Carrington, Sara Alarcón
Project Manager: Paulina Zaragoza
Tags Diseño Web, User Interface, UI / UX, App Design, Tec de Monterrey, Lotería
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Bernardo GuerraFounder Indumex
Cliente: Sorteos Tec Work: Technology

Firmalt is a strategic branding & storytelling agency that's always looking for the next challenge. Based in Monterrey, México.

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